checkmate 'N3

Your Complete Product Compliance Solution

Are you tired of worrying about costly product recalls and the risk of your products failing to comply with regulations? Look no further! Checkmate 'N3 is Chemwatch's complete product compliance solution, ensuring your products are ready to go to market with confidence.

Our powerful AI engine, combined with our extensive regulatory knowledge, derives over 850 regulatory and life-cycle data points from your chemical safety data sheets (SDS) or article technical data sheets (TDS). With Checkmate 'N3, you can be confident that only 'safe' products will be supplied to your market and restricted substances will not enter the supply chain.

The entire product assessment process is confidential and secure, with information provided by suppliers only visible to chosen parties when necessary. All mandatory reports to relevant authorities are fully supported, including the EU Poisons Centres and the Chinese National Registration Centre for Chemicals.

AI powered

Extensive Regulatory Database

Compliance Peace of Mind


Human QA

Check Articles as well as chemicals

From start to finish, Checkmate ‘N3 ensures your products' compliance in just three simple steps.


Both chemicals and articles can be registered in Checkmate ‘N3. Suppliers can log in to our secure platform to submit a chemical SDS or article TDS, and other requested data. Key information is then automatically extracted by our AI engine, including chemical composition, physical properties, GHS classification codes, and transport codes. Additionally, suppliers are encouraged to identify product uses, provide product labels and additional safety and certification documents. Their ESG status can also be assessed using our proprietary ESG engine.

Product Analysis

The product analysis phase is largely automated, involving checking data integrity against various codes and evaluating the regulatory burden of the product. Checkmate ‘N3 checks all data points against GHS classifications suggested by Chemwatch’s proprietary rules engine, seeking any inconsistencies with regulations found in our database of over 8,600 regulatory lists. Hazardous chemicals found within products will be flagged to ensure they are allowed into the desired market. The regulatory burden analysis identifies potential problems that might arise following distribution or sale.

Audit and Results

Once the product analysis phase is complete, our Hazard Review Team manually assesses any discrepancies identified in the assessment phase. This additional compliance check takes into account the constantly changing federal, state, provincial, and local regulations.

Audit results will be displayed in your product dashboard and have one of two outcomes:

  • Sent to Purchaser status means that no unacceptable inconsistencies were found in the review process. The purchaser must sign-off on the audit report before the status changes to Accepted by Purchaser.
  • Needs Attention indicates that an unacceptable inconsistency has been discovered and the supplier will be alerted. The product is put on hold until the supplier remedies any issues and resubmits the product for reapproval.

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Additional Services

In addition to pre-market checks, Chemwatch offers a range of services to help manage your product compliance, including:

  • Multilingual 24/7 Emergency Response
  • Low-cost GHS compliant SDS authoring in 49 languages
  • Expert review of product labels
  • Cradle-to-grave product tracking using our unique barcode support solution, Smart AaaS
  • Supplier ESG rating calculator
  • Sustainability passport support
  • AI-assisted data extraction of SDS


Get started with Checkmate ‘N3 today and take the first step towards complete product compliance. Contact us for more information.

At Chemwatch, we provide SDS management and SDS authoring to keep your chemical management systems up to date.

Chemwatch has been a leading provider in chemical management systems for over 30 years. Specialising in chemicals safety, we're an international company headquartered in Australia, with offices throughout Europe, the US and Asia-Pacific regions. We are a large employer of science graduates and postgraduates—including chemists, toxicologists and OHS specialists. Thousands of organisations use Chemwatch services globally, including manufacturers, multinationals, hospitals, research institutes, and governments, for Chemicals Management, SDS Management and Authoring, and Regulatory Compliance.

14,500 +
Chemical families maintained
123 +
Countries Supported
140M +
SDS & counting

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