The best SDS in the business

Whether we are acquiring or authoring your SDS, we have perfected our process. Using the most up-to-date and accurate data, we are able to source and write GHS-compliant SDS. Your SDS are kept updated via our AI web crawler, Webster, and kept updated via Nettie. You will receive Compare Reports, highlighting any changes from old to new.  

No longer do we rely on the document itself to deliver essential information; we have spent over 30 years developing and streamlining our SDS data extraction process. From using your SDS data to map your chemicals using our proprietary Heat Mapping software, to creating Risk Assessment and regulatory information reports, Chemwatch is the place for SDS management. 

Read more about our data extraction process and results here.

Watch below to learn more about how we create our flexible SDS, Elastic SDS. 

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