Digastric (muscle)

[TA] (1) one of the suprahyoid group of muscles consisting of two bellies united by a central tendon that passes through a fascial loop connected to the body of the hyoid bone; origin, by posterior belly from the digastric groove medial to the mastoid process; insertion, by anterior belly into lower border of mandible near midline; action, elevates the hyoid when mandible is fixed; depresses the mandible when hyoid is fixed; nerve supply, posterior belly from facial, anterior belly by nerve to the mylohyoid from the mandibular division of trigeminal; SYN: musculus biventer [TA], musculus digastricus [TA], two-bellied muscle [TA], biventer mandibulae, musculus biventer mandibulae. (2), a muscle with two fleshy bellies separated by a fibrous insertion