Jugular notch of sternum

[TA] the large notch in the superior margin of the sternum. SYN: incisura jugularis sternalis [TA], suprasternal notch*, interclavicular notch, presternal notch, sternal notch.

The jugular notch, also known as the suprasternal notch or the superior thoracic aperture, is a V-shaped depression located at the superior aspect of the sternum, which is a long flat bone located in the center of the chest. It is located between the clavicles, and is easily visible and palpable in most people.

The jugular notch is an important anatomical landmark for various medical procedures, such as central venous catheterization, chest tube insertion, and tracheostomy. It is also used as a reference point for measurements of the chest and neck, such as the jugular venous pressure and the thyromental distance.

In addition, the jugular notch is used to estimate the level of the second thoracic vertebra, which is important for spinal anesthesia and other procedures that involve the thoracic region. The distance between the jugular notch and the spinous process of the second thoracic vertebra is approximately 5-6 cm in most adults.

Overall, the jugular notch is an important anatomical landmark that serves as a reference point for various medical procedures and measurements. Its location and features make it easily identifiable and useful in clinical practice.