
, gen. operculi, pl. , opercula (1) Anything resembling a lid or cover. (2) [TA], In anatomy, the portions of the frontal (operculum frontale [TA], frontal operculum [TA]), parietal (operculum parietale [TA], parietal operculum [TA]), and temporal (operculum temporale [TA], temporal operculum [TA]) lobes bordering the lateral sulcus and covering the insula. (3) In parasitology, the lid or caplike cover of the shell opening of operculated freshwater snails in the subclass Prosobranchiata, and of the eggs of certain trematode and cestode parasites. (4) The attached flap in the tear of retinal detachment. (5) The mucosal flap partially or completely covering an unerupted tooth. [L. cover or lid, fr. operio, pp. opertus, to cover]