Usher's syndrome

A hereditary disorder characterized by deaf-mutism, retinitis pigmentosa, and occasional mental retardation. Early cases were reported mainly in Jews in Germany but later observations came from Finland, Norway, France, England, Israel, Louisiana. (the Acadian type affecting 4.4 per 100,000), and other parts. Several types are recognized: Type I. Synonyms: Usher syndrome type I (US1, USH1) Usher syndrome type IA (US1A, USH1A) Usher syndrome, French type Type IB Synonyms: Usher syndrome type IB (US1B, USH1B) Usher syndrome, non-Acadian variety Type IC Synonyms: Usher syndrome type IC (US1C, USH1C) Usher syndrome, Acadian variety Profound congenital deafness with onset of retinitis pigmentosa by the age of 10 years. Type II Synonyms: Usher syndrome type II (US2, USH2) Type IIB Synonyms: Usher syndrome IIB (US2B, USH2B) Type III Synonyms: Usher syndrome type III (US3, USH3) Retinitis pigmentosa first noted at puberty with progressive hearing loss. Schizophrenia reported in some cases. Type IV Synonyms: Usher syndrome type IV (US4, USH4) Retinitis pigmentosa and deafness possibly transmitted as an X-linked trait.