ESIS (European chemical Substances Information System), is an IT System developed by the European Chemicals Bureau which provides you with information on chemicals, related to: - EINECS (European Inventory of Existing Commercial chemical Substances), - ELINCS (European List of Notified Chemical Substances), - NLP (No-Longer Polymers), - HPVCs (High Production Volume Chemicals) and LPVCs (Low Production Volume Chemicals), including EU Producers/Importers lists, - C&L (Classification and Labelling), Risk and Safety Phrases, Danger etc..., - IUCLID Chemical Data Sheets, IUCLID Export Files, OECD-IUCLID Export Files, EUSES Export Files, - Priority Lists, Risk Assessment process and tracking system in relation to Council Regulation (EEC) 793/93 also known as Existing Substances Regulation (ESR).