Trochanteric bursa

[TA] (1) the subcutaneous trochanteric bursa [TA] between the greater trochanter of the femur and the skin; SYN: bursa subcutanea trochanterica [TA]. (2), a multilocular trochanteric bursa of gluteus maximus [TA] between the gluteus maximus and the greater trochanter of the femur; SYN: bursa trochanterica musculi glutei maximi [TA]. (3) the trochanteric bursa of gluteus medius [TA] between the gluteus medius and the greater trochanter; SYN: bursae trochantericae musculi glutei medii [TA]. (4), the trochanteric bursa of the gluteus minimus [TA]. SYN: bursa trochanterica musculi glutei minimi [TA]. SYN: bursa trochanterica [TA].